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Swedish Massage

Will help relieve tension in the back and shoulders and ease muscular rated conditions such as spasms, strains and sprains by flushing out toxins from the body. So whether you have been overdoing it in the gym or at work you will be left relaxed and restored with a feeling of total well being. 

Hot Stone Massage

This is a luxurious and unique massage. The heat from the stones is deeply relaxing and also helps release tight muscles.

Hot, healing basalt stones are used to massage the back, neck and shoulders, soothing and relaxing tight tense muscles. This warming, comforting massage will help unravel your stress by relaxing strained and tense muscles. The ultimate stress busting treatment.

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is a very relaxing treatment and excellent for neck and shoulder tension. This form of massage is now one of the most popular therapies available at the moment. Our technique addresses the back, neck, scalp and face using a variety of massage pressures and techniques and is one of the most relaxing types of massage you will ever experience. 

Aroma Facial

Ideal for every skin type seeking immediate radiance and glow, using Dermalogica products. Aroma Facials are designed to treat not only your face but your mind and body. It may benefit such conditions as Sinusitis, Migraines, Headaches and stress.After the treatment, you will have time to continue to relax, and have a drink,

then we will provide advice on aftercare and potential healing reactions.

Anti Aging Facial

This treatment improves elasticity of the skin and helps to reduce the appearance of fine line and wrinkles. Using a mixture of Dermalogica anti aging products and the new Ageloc technology from Nu Skin can dramatically diminish the appearance of aging. 

Deep Cleansing

This treatment will flush out impurities - increase circulation and decongest clogged pores. Ideal for skin that is exposed to elements or is prone to breakouts.

Our Dermalogica products will detoxify the skin and infuse nutrients to balance the skin leaving it looking and feeling brighter with improved skin texture.

In some instances it may be necessary for the therapist to obtain consent from your GP or consultant before commencing a course of treatment, particularly if you are diabetic, or you are on medication for high blood pressure, or if you have cancer.

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